The Autopilot control panel allows full control of the SkyView approach-capable autopilot without touching a single button on the SkyView screen. Just reach up, touch the mode you want, and sit back while SkyView takes control. Innovative features like the LEVEL button are always there for you no matter what else you are doing with SkyView. All buttons are backlit and feature sharp tactile feedback when pressed.
- AP on-off
- Flight Director on-off
- HDG hold
- TRK hold
- ALT hold
- VS hold
- IAS hold
- Nose up-down control for vertical modes
- VNAV control, approache sequencing
- Allows two set of trim buttons
- Auto airspeed sensitive trim speed control
- Autopilot Auto-Trim (when the SV-AP-PANEL is used as the airplanes's trim controller)
Below is a playlist covering EXPERT MODE features: